From time to time, residents raise questions about the Newhall Estate Service Charge, so we thought it would be helpful to provide additional information that explains how these funds are allocated and spent. Our aim is to enhance transparency and ensure residents have a clearer understanding of the service charge’s purpose and its impact on our community.

We empathise with residents’ concerns regarding the possible implications of service charges on household finances. Please be assured that our primary goal is to deliver top-notch services while keeping expenses to a minimum. Rest assured that we are committed to maintaining the highest quality of service while striving to ensure that costs remain affordable and reasonable for all homeowners.

The current annual service charge is approximately  £423.55 (up from £382.33*), which breaks down to around £8.14 per week (up from£7.35*), or £1.16 Per day (up from £1.07*). It’s worth noting that this rate is comparatively lower than similar developments. While we strive to maintain this affordability, please keep in mind that the final decision on service charge rates depends on various factors, such as operational costs, community needs and inflation.

SHW aims to provide transparent communication regarding any changes to the service charge and ensure that residents are informed about how these funds contribute to the upkeep and improvement of our community. If you have a service charge query, please direct these to: You can find more detailed information about the Newhall Estate Service Charge Budget for 2025 by clicking here.

The budget planning process typically commences in or around September, allowing ample time for a comprehensive review of the community’s needs. Once finalised, the new budget is prepared and ready to be shared with residents by the end of the financial year, which concludes on December 31st.

*Up on previous year, 2023-24.

Things that the service charge includes are as follows:

  • Estate staff salaries and NI contributions
  • Estate staff office expenses
  • Street lighting on unadoptable roadways and pathways
  • General maintenance and repairs
  • Maintenance of unadoptable roadways and pathways
  • Landscape maintenance of front gardens and Newhall communal areas, including parkland, woodlands and waterways
  • Maintenance of children’s play areas, inspection, repair and replacement
  • Drainage for stream, balancing ponds, reed beds and silt removal
  • Environmental Health Control
  • Maintenance of balancing ponds to prevent flooding (Including drainage for streams, balancing ponds, reed beds and silt removal)
  • Maintenance of the communal TV, Satellite + WiFi distribution service
  • Website annual fee, IT costs and maintenance
  • Tree survey and works
  • Woodland maintenance
  • Environmental health control
  • Insurance Public Liability and Material Damage
  • Legal expenses and Directors and Officers Insurance
  • Insurance Excess Contingency
  • Printing and postage
  • Additional sundries
  • Accountancy fees
  • Health and Safery Risk Assessment
  • Management fee
  • Legal and professional fees contingency
  • Planting contingency
  • Reserves
  • Preparing of Cyclical 10-Year Maintenance Plan
  • Litter picking
  • Road sweeping
  • Emptying litter and dog waste bins
  • Gritting and maintenance of grit boxes
  • Bulky waste removal in areas within our remit

Newhall Projects Ltd Contribution

Since 2010, Newhall Projects have contributed £1,821,295.00 to the service charge fund. In 2016 woodland expertise prepared a schedule of extensive works required to the trees, woodland and surrounding environment. Newhall Projects elected to remove this head of expenditure from the service charge budget for the year commencing January 2017. The total expenditure paid by Newhall Projects for the required works exceeds £150,000.00 and is additional to their annual contribution.

The Newhall Projects contribution has supplemented the estate charge funds as the development of Newhall continues and until the total number of dwellings required to contribute to the estate charge budget is complete. The amount has been decreasing each year due to more new houses paying service charge each year. Following completion of the extensive works required since 2017, to the woodland maintenance it is now appropriate the required annual maintenance is re-instated as an estate charge head of expenditure. Newhall Projects have elected to retain their annual contribution for 2025 at £20,000 instead of lowering it.

Newhall Projects have obtained commuted sums from the developers at Newhall, which will go towards maintenance of areas that the Residents Association will take responsibility for. Newhall Projects are due to transfer these funds to the estate charge fund for Newhall Residents Association.

Additionally. Newhall Projects pay £140,000.00 a year for a security company to patrol Newhall to assist with the security needs of the whole estate. This cost does not fall to the estate charge funds.

  • First published: 10th December, 2024
  • Revised: 20th December, 2024