
Restrictions & Regulations

As mentioned, there are certain day-to-day ‘household issues’ associated with communal living. These are known as Restrictive Covenants and are written into your lease or transfer document, forming a legal contract between you and Newhall Projects Limited. They are designed to avoid inconvenience and disturbance to residents and to ensure that the estate looks its best, and is a pleasant place to live, for the benefit of all.

For your convenience, here is a reminder of the main issues covered. Please note that restrictions may be updated from time to time and SHW will let you know whenever this happens.

Television equipment/aerials

You need to obtain the landowner’s consent if you plan to attach any aerial, satellite dish or other communications apparatus, as these obviously affect the building’s appearance. There is a communal system in place that serves the whole of Phase I, save for those properties that were constructed by Barratt.  The Barratt properties are: 1-20 The Chase (odds), 22-44 The Chase (evens) 1-6 Alba Road, 1-2 Basil Mews, 1-2 Reginald Mews, 1-2 Square Street, 1-3 Maypole Street, 1-5 Green Street, 1-4 Crossways, 1-33 Soper Square, 1-5 St Nicholas Green. If you are experiencing any problems with your TV or satellite reception, please contact SHW in the first instance.

If you wish to connect to Sky, please contact Shared Dish Systems, the retained and approved engineer for Newhall. Please note that a connection fee may apply, for which you will be responsible. Contact details are:

Shared Dish Systems
Victoria House,
28-32 Desborough Street
High Wycombe HP11 2NF

T: 01494 565085

Note: For residents at Phase II ‘Edge’ please note that you will need to contact Pentland Estate Management on 01455 882 654 as this system is completely independent from that for Phase I.


Please avoid creating noise in your home, or anywhere on the estate, which may cause annoyance to other residents or visitors. No noise should be audible outside your property and your Lease and Freehold Transfer mentions antisocial hours where this particularly applies.  

Please do not behave in a way that proves a nuisance to the owners or residents of adjoining properties, or to the general public.


If you want to change any windows, you need to get consent from Newhall Projects Limited. This is to maintain the appearance of the building. For the same reason, please do not hang clothes, flags or other items from windows, although curtains or blinds suitable for a residential dwelling should be hung internally.


For the first two years after completion of the purchase of your property, you are asked not to display or put up ‘For Sale’ or ‘To Let’ signs. After this, you need to comply with some general conditions which ask for boards to be affixed to the property, so they do not detract from the appearance of the road.

The majority of local estate and letting agencies are aware of this and details will be available from the Newhall Project Centre. Unfortunately, we will have to remove any boards that do not comply.

Private Rear Gardens

If your home has a private rear garden, it is your responsibility to maintain the planting and landscaping.  But please do not remove any plants that were planted in the garden as part of the original landscaping scheme, as this formed part of the planning permission.  Details can be checked in the Newhall Project Centre.  

It is important that you do not plant any Chamaecyparis leylandii or similar fast growing conifers in your garden, as these so easily grow out of control and out of proportion to the building. Also, only leave garden waste on designated waste areas.

Front Gardens

Some front gardens are subject to a condition that the Newhall Residents’ Association maintains them, via the Managing Agent.

Front gardens were designed with the overall, co-ordinated planting scheme for Newhall in mind, so in general you should not make any changes to the hard or soft landscaping or layout of the front garden.

However, should you wish to make any changes, then details of the design layout and chosen specimen planting for such changes should be submitted to Newhall Projects Limited for their consideration.

Walls, Fences and Other Boundary Delineations

Generally, walls dividing two attached freehold properties will be party walls and a shared responsibility between the two properties. Walls and fences dividing garden or recreational areas are the responsibility of one of the properties adjoining, as indicated on your transfer plan.

Any repairs or maintenance of party walls or boundaries are the responsibility of the owner of each property sharing the wall or boundary and each owner contributes equally to the costs of and works. The required works must be agreed and arranged between each property owner.

Your original purchase documentation provides details of the areas shared with your neighbour. For further assistance, please contact the Newhall Project Team, whose staff will research the details of each boundary or party wall in order to confirm your responsibility and the likely works that may be required in future years.


If you wish to carry out any external alterations or additions to your property, first obtain written consent from Newhall Projects Limited.

This means extensions, conservatories and changes to the external design or decoration of your property can only be made with written consent from Newhall Projects Limited. Consent is at the discretion of Newhall Projects Limited and approval is given on a case by case basis. So a decision should not be seen as setting a precedent.

Any refusal of permission by Newhall Projects Limited takes precedence over local authority Planning Department consent. So do consult with Newhall Projects Limited before approaching the local authority.

External Decoration

Newhall is an award winning scheme based on design and finishes that enhance and unify the presentation of the entire development.

Many of you bought into the development because of the holistic approach of the design, specification and standard of finishes of the properties. These ensure consistency and a harmonious whole.

For this reason, there is a restriction on changes you may wish to make to the type, colour or quality of the external materials used in the original construction of your property. To make any change, you must obtain the previous written consent of Newhall Projects Limited.

This means, for example, that if you wish to change the style or colour of the front door of the property, please first obtain written consent from Newhall Projects Limited.

Consent will only be given where, in the opinion of Newhall Projects Limited and its professional advisors, the changes are consistent with the overall Newhall design scheme.

Some property owners have already undertaken work to the exterior of their property without first seeking written consent from Newhall Projects Limited. To comply with the conditions laid down in the transfer or lease documentation, it will be necessary to seek retrospective consent.

In cases where alterations are not consistent with the overall Newhall design scheme, owners will be obliged to reinstate the work to a standard and design consistent with the wishes of Newhall Projects Limited.

Property owners who have undertaken such works will be contacted regarding this and you should be aware that if changes are not in keeping with the original design, or are considered inappropriate, you will need to revert to the original design specification.

If you are unsure on the colour of paints used, please contact your Estate Manager, who will give you details of the relevant colour palette.


Please do not erect any sheds, greenhouses, playhouses or other structures in a garden, patio, driveway or other open space forming part of your property, without written consent from Newhall Projects Limited.

If you are unsure on the colour of paints used, please contact your Estate Manager, who will give you details of the relevant colour palette.


To maintain the overall presentation of the development, no dustbins or refuse bags may be placed in the front of the property except on days that are recognised as a refuse collection day. You can check your bin collection days HERE.

Bulky Collections/Fly Tipping

Harlow Council offers a bulky collection service to pick up unwanted household items.

Electrical items, such as washing machines, fridges, fridge freezers, ovens, microwaves, hoovers and computers can be recycled and so are free to book. Please do not dump any such items in the bin stores or anywhere else on the development, as these will not be collected and the Service Charge will need to be used to pay for a private contractor to dispose of the items.

Non-electrical items, such as furniture and smaller household items, which are not currently recycled by the Council, are chargeable for collection. The charge per booking depends on the quantity. However, prices are reasonable.

You can book a bulky collection online, HERE.

Or you can contact Harlow Council: or call 01279 446655


It is important to avoid hanging clothes, flags, window boxes or other items from windows and balconies. These do spoil the appearance of the building and may offend neighbours. Barbeques are definitely not allowed on balconies as they are a fire hazard and the smoke and smells are a nuisance to neighbours.

Use of your Property

Your property is designed to be used as a private residential dwelling or, where relevant and subject to planning restrictions, a live/work unit.  If you want to carry out any trade or business or manufacture of goods at the property, please obtain written consent from Newhall Projects Limited.

The only currently accepted business use is for a profession or consultant. This includes solicitor, doctor, dentist, private teacher, accountant or architect, when appointments are required to consult with the resident professional rather than people calling in at random and possibly inconveniencing residents.  

Use of Vehicles at Newhall – Access and Parking

Please ensure that all vehicles brought on to Newhall are roadworthy and comply with the requirements of the Road Traffic Act and other relevant legislation.  This means that the vehicle should be taxed and insured and in a roadworthy condition.

No maintenance of vehicles should be carried out on the roads or access ways, save for checking oil and water levels. No oil changes or works to paint or bodywork please.

A private garage should only be used for the garaging of a private motor vehicle.  Do not change this facility into a room for use as additional space within the property, as this is a condition of the approved Planning for the development. Also, limiting the ability to park your vehicle in the garage provided results in unauthorised, inconvenient congestion of the access roads and pathways.

If you have made any changes, you will be required to re-instate the garage to its intended use.

Also please ensure that your vehicle does not obstruct in any way the roadways serving your or your neighbour’s property.

At Newhall, any commercial vehicle exceeding 25 cwt., a caravan, motor boat or any vehicle that carries a sign or advertisement can only be parked in a garage, unless loading or unloading goods and deliveries by a supplier.

Commercial vehicles, caravans or motor boats may only be left or parked inside any garage belonging your property, and with the garage door kept closed when not in use for accessing the garage.  

No vehicles may be parked on the estate, except in the designated visitor’s spaces or car parking bays.

Public Open Space

The Public Open Spaces within Newhall form approximately 40% of the original farmland.  This is to be retained as parkland and it is intended that most properties will be about one block away from parkland or greenery.

The public open spaces at Newhall are generally for the benefit of all residents and visitors. They are maintained by the Managing Agent, instructed by Newhall Projects Limited, acting on behalf of the Newhall Residents’ Association. You should not plant, cut or remove any tree or plant in the landscaped areas, or otherwise interfere with the landscaping.

Horses should be ridden or led only along vehicular carriageways or dedicated bridleways. Horse riding is not permitted on open green space, pathways or play areas for reasons of safety and hygiene. Similarly, dogs may not roam freely on these areas and should be kept on a leash and under control at all times.  

All dog litter should be cleared up and placed in the appropriate receptacles. These are emptied by the Estate Management Team at regular intervals.

Where signage is displayed, this should be abided to and not defaced.

No fishing is allowed in any of the reed beds, streams or ponds at Newhall as it will disturb the ecosystem. Please report any such activities to SHW.

Shooting of any game or animal in the open spaces at Newhall is not allowed for safety and environmental reasons. The open spaces are for residents, their guests and children and visiting public to peacefully enjoy. As you would expect, the use of guns or other weapons is strictly prohibited for everybody’s safety.

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