By way of background, following resident concerns about highway safety around the primary school at the end of 2023 Newhall Projects Ltd have been considering a package of measures with Essex County Council Highways team to slow motorist speeds around the primary school and to deter inappropriate parking. Newhall Projects Ltd is the freehold owner of the land under which these roads, footpaths and verges have been constructed.
The roads have been designed, approved, and built in accordance with all relevant standards for highway design, and were approved during the planning process by Harlow Council, with Essex County Council as a statutory consultee. The roads have been through mandatory road safety audits at the planning and detailed design stage, both prior to construction
There is in place a 20 mph Traffic Regulation Order across the entire Newhall site, and the on-site highways have, where possible, been designed to reduce traffic speeds even further.
With the above being said, we do recognise that any design can be improved, and we have set out a series of measures to help alleviate the concerns of some of the local residents. These measures have been discussed with senior officers from Essex County Council’s Highway Development Team on two on-site meetings. As it is important for Newhall Projects Ltd and residents for the roads to be adopted, we have had to consult with the County Council to ensure that these measures will not prevent or inhibit their adoption. We have also met with the Head Teacher of Newhall Primary Academy and they are supportive of the measures as proposed.
Our proposals are as follows and are shown on the attached plan for your reference:
- We will add onto the Bridge Street road surface two sets of painted 20mph roundels as you approach the school from the west and outside of the school.
- We will add 20mph repeater signs to the existing sign posts where the school signs are to the east and west of the school.
- We will add “No Stopping” signs to the lampposts that abut the “School Keep Clear” markings along Bridge Street and the current road markings will be refreshed. This system will deter casual parking in front of the school on Bridge Street.
- We have already moved the temporary hoarding to the north of Bridge Street further back on the junction of Woodland Way to improve pedestrian visibility.
- We have installed a timber fence within the planted verge on the north side of Bridge Street to deter pedestrians from crossing the road to the visitor parking spaces on the opposite side of Bridge Street. The verges will also feature reinforced planting of a low hedge again to deter casual crossing of the road. This will funnel pedestrians to use the existing intended crossing points. Once the hedge has been established sufficiently the fence will be removed.
- We have agreed to provide “School Keep Clear” markings along Round House Way adjoining the school supported by adding “No Stopping” signs to the lampposts that abut the proposed new “School Keep Clear” markings. This will deter motorists from parking on Round House Way in the immediate vicinity of the school which will help to alleviate residents’ concerns about children crossing between parked cars.
- As part of the community buildings proposed to the west of the school, there will be a car park provided for the community building, but which can be used for additional drop off spaces to alleviate the peak drop off/pick up times. There will be an additional 26 parking spaces provided, and these will have direct pedestrian access to the footpath in front of the school. These will include some disabled spaces and circa 6 additional EV charging points. The community centre is currently due to start in mid-2024 with completion in mid-2025.
- Newhall Projects Ltd is also considering a more fundamental review of the visitor parking arrangements at Newhall and is currently discussing options with the County Council and North Essex Parking Partnership, to deter inappropriate parking. This could include the introduction of parking controls around the school (double yellow lines / red routes) which can then be policed and enforced by the County Council / North Essex Parking Partnership. This could also include a resident permit parking scheme, and the introduction of resident permit visitor bays, limited wait bays (around the school and shops) and additional EV charging bays. We expect to be in a position to present and to progress these proposals later this year and will share these proposals with the community.
- In addition Newhall Primary Academy have implemented the following in order to reduce the quantity of people waiting on the narrow pavements at the Round House Way entrance to Newhall Primary. From Monday (06/11/23) they have opened the gate on Round House Way (the gate by the staff car park) at 08:35. Parents can then wait with their child on the top playground from 08:35 until 08:40. At 08:40 they let children into the school via the steps or path from the top playground and parents will remain on the playground. Please note that staff will not be supervising children at this time. Parents are to remain with their child on the top playground until they open the school at 08:40. The entrance on The Chase (the gates next to the nursery/school office) continue to be opened at 08:40. This measure has reduced the number of people congregating on the pavements on Round House Way and ensures everyone remains safe.
One of the measures that has been requested are railings along Roundhouse Way outside of the school. We are not proposing to install these for the following reasons:
- Essex County Highways do not like barriers as a solution and do not believe they are necessary. We may struggle to get the footpath adopted with the installation of barriers.
- If barriers were to be erected, they would not be permitted within 450mm of the kerb face (to provide a safe refuge for pedestrians caught in the road if a car were to drive along tight to the kerb). In this instance it would mean that the useable footpath width would be reduced by 450mm to provide a refuge space on the road side of the barriers, which the County Council does not want to see.
- The installation of new School Keep Clear signage on Round House Way will prevent the parking issues that force pedestrians to cross between parked cars, and this will increase visibility for motorists and pedestrians at this point.
Hopefully the above provides some context and an explanation of a suite of measures that will be completed along Bridge Street and Roundhouse Way in the immediate vicinity of the school to remind motorists of the 20mph limit, and to reduce the points where the roads can be crossed in an around the primary school, to further enhance pedestrian safety.
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