Newhall is getting ready for winter and we want to work with our community to ensure that we have all of the necessary precautions in place to keep the neighbourhood’s roads and footpaths safe during spells of cold weather.
We are working our Landscaping Partners, Majestic Garden Services to ensure that we have salt stocks available to grit the main routes into Newhall and footpaths in our neighbourhood centres. We now have a plan to ensure that the cold weather issues that occurred in 2022 are not repeated.
To keep our streets safe, we will aim to put grit down on roads if there is a risk of snow or icy conditions. We cannot grit or clear all roads, so our first priority is to clear busier roads and locations as soon as it’s safe to do so.
Winter Safety Equipment
To reduce the risk of accidents during the colder months we have invested in winter safety equipment. This includes additional bins for grit salt and manual/towable spreading equipment to help us ensure that the neighbourhood is prepared for ice and snow.
Grit Bins
There are currently 29 grit bins throughout Newhall, which are placed in these locations – TAP the road name to find the nearest:
- 1-26 North Square
- Barnfield Way
- Black Cap Drive
- Braggowens Ley
- Braggowens Ley (Flats)
- Braggowens Ley/Gt Auger St
- Braggowens Ley/Maypole Street
- Canopy Lane
- Canopy Lane/The Chase
- Dealings Road
- Etchels Road
- Gold Crest Way
- Great Auger Street
- Green Finch Way
- Robin Lane
- Headland Street/Rosefield Lane
- Milestone Road
- New Pond Street
- Nuthatch Drive
- Pearl Drift Square/Long Mead Lane
- Robin Lane
- Rose Crescent
- Saxon Lane
- Soper Square/St Nicholas Green
- Sparrowhawk Way
- Spring Street
- Woodland Way 1.
- Woodland Way 2.
- Woodpecker Lane
- Holland Way
TAP the road name to find the location of your nearest grit bin, which can be used when weather conditions indicate a period of heavy snowfall and freezing conditions. This allows members of the Newhall Community to put grit down in places that are not reached by our gritting teams. We will restock with salt as and when needed, but we will need your support to let us know if any are empty and are in need of refilling.
- Typical Grit Bin
- Contains Loan Bucket + Scoop
Please contact if a grit bin needs refilling, or if the bucket or scoop are missing. You can also let us know if you think there is a location that needs a grit bin. Please let us know if you think your area needs a grit bin! We also need to know if you know of any additional grit bins, we can then add these to the list and ensure that they are restocked and accessible.
Can a Grit Bin Be Removed?
Grit bins are sometimes vandalised. If this becomes nuisance, a request for the bin to be removed can be made. We would seek the agreement of other residents in the area before the facility is withdrawn. Please email to make your request.
When Do We Grit?
We will aim to check the weather forecast from the Met Office to see if there is the possibility of freezing road temperatures and snow and when those conditions might happen.
Wherever possible, gritting and salting will take place outside of peak times and before freezing conditions occur.
Are Pedestrians Routes Gritted?
In very severe weather conditions we will aim to grit footways and pavements. In descending order of priority, we will grit these locations:
- neighbourhood centre areas and main pedestrian routes
- shop frontages
- school frontages/routes
- steep sections of footway/footpaths
Voluntary Community Gritting Teams
In the longer term we may explore whether members of the community would like to assist us with keeping the roads and pathways in the Newhall Community clear. The Voluntary Community Gritting Teams is a scheme where local volunteers can help to keep their community moving in freezing weather. Under this scheme, SHW would agree specific routes in the area which are important to the local community. The volunteers then grit these routes when needed. We will be providing more information on this scheme in the near future.
Are You Prepared for Cold Weather?
- Do you have a plan for what if you couldn’t leave your home;
- what if people can’t get to you;
- what if you are stuck in your car and
- what if your child’s school is closed?
How to Prepare
- pay attention to weather forecasts and warnings – check the Met Office for forecasts and weather warnings.
- make child care arrangements in advance and remember to check for information on school closures should their school close due to weather. Could a family member or another school parent look after them while you are at work?
- help prevent snow and ice building on pavements and driveways by putting down salt before it snows or the temperature gets below freezing.
- keep stocked up in case the weather prevents you from going out to the shops, and make sure you have more than a few days’ worth of basic food and any medication you have been prescribed.
- keep emergency equipment in your car – make sure you have a bottle of water, non-perishable food, first aid kit, torch, in-car mobile phone charger, blanket and spare warm clothing, and a shovel if you travel to more rural areas.
- wear sturdy footwear. If you do have to go out in the snow or ice, wear a good pair of boots – they keep your feet warmer and have more grip than trainers or other shoes.
- please check on your neighbours – look in on isolated, elderly, bed bound, or sick neighbours, family or friends and make sure they’re warm and well.
Updated 11th January, 2024.
Great article
Thank you for the tips I am happy to join the voluntary community gritting team, a lot of school children use the road I live in I witnessed many of them slipping during the most recent snow period, gritting the side roads is important too. The idea of community volunteers is a great one.
Hi Daisy, thank you for your positive feedback and glad you liked the article. Newhall Projects are working hard to improve the way that we communicate with the community and this is one of the steps to improving community engagement. We will keep you in the loop about community gritting teams, when we have more information.