Living At Newhall2020-09-30T19:54:04+01:00

Living at Newhall

Newhall is highly unusual in this Country. A large new residential community created out of award winning contemporary housing, which is being designed and built with a completely new approach and where residents will be given the opportunity to have an active role in the responsibility for the neighbourhood in which they live.

Who’s who at Newhall

Newhall Projects Limited is the Company created by the landowners of Newhall. It was they who had the original vision for the nature of the development and the high quality of life it should offer. The land has been in the same family for four generations and was previously used for farming. Newhall Projects Limited facilitates the disposal of each land parcel to developers as the project unfolds.  

The directors of Newhall Projects Limited are members of the original farming family. They have fond memories and respect for the family’s traditions, along with strong connections and attachment to the land.

The directors believe they have a responsibility for the quality and design of the living environment that will eventually replace the farmland.

The design of Newhall began through a partnership with Roger Evans Associates, well respected design architects. They developed the urban design Master Plan for the scheme.

Newhall is conveniently located close to the Government’s planned Enterprise Zone – Enterprise West Essex @ Harlow. The 51-hectare Enterprise Zone is on two sites, at Templefields North East and London Road. There are plans for a new Life Sciences Medtech Innovation Centre alongside the existing Nortel Campus at the London Road site. Some 22,000 square metres of high grade office space may also be created at London Road.

The Enterprise Zone in Harlow will focus on businesses from the Health and Allied Industries, Advanced Manufacturing and Information Communication Technology sectors and has the potential to create up to 5,000 jobs.

Newhall Residents’ Association

At present some 2,200 homes are planned for the development. From the beginning, the Newhall Residents’ Association was legally incorporated and, in time, the Association will have a role in the management of the Newhall.

At present, Newhall Projects Limited controls the Residents’ Association, acting on behalf of the community as a whole.  When formed, the Newhall Residents’ Association will be the focal point of the community. As a corporate body, it will have important responsibilities for the running of the estate in perpetuity.

Officers of the Company will consist of three professional consultant members, appointed by Newhall Projects Limited, and six homeowners, who will be nominated by their neighbours to join as committee members of the Association and to work with the Council of Management.

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