We want to update you on the current position in respect of services at Newhall.  You will be aware from our previous posts, that your landscapers, D Honour & Son., ceased all but essential works from the beginning of April.   We kept a close eye on the condition of the landscaped areas and, with this in mind, and deferring to Government guidelines and restrictions, Honours recommenced providing some additional services on a part-time basis, with a smaller team, with effect from 11th May.   Full services, with the complete team, resumed from 18th May.  It will of course take the Team sometime to bring all areas back up to standard but, having undertaken a site inspection earlier this week, we can see that firm progress is being made, with some areas still to be tackled.  Honours will continue working hard with a view to achieving the task in as short a time as possible.


Costs for the month of April payable to D Honour was down by +/-£10K and we are expecting a further reduction for May (details are not yet available).  You will recall we advised that you may see a reduction in your quarter three charges representing a share of these reduced costs.  However, based on the known reduction of £10K, this equates to only £8.50 per household.  In light of this being a nominal sum, and the fact that we do not yet know if Honours will need to bring in additional labour over the coming months, for which there would be an associated uplift in costs, we considered it more prudent to defer making any credit to homeowners for the present time at least.  We do hope you support this approach.


We do hope you are coping well with the changes the pandemic has brought to all households and if you believe SHW can help in anyway, please do contact us.